Class SecurityConfiguration

  • All Implemented Interfaces:<javax.servlet.Filter,​>,<>

    public class SecurityConfiguration
    This class contains our configuration for the web security on the server-side through google Oauth 2.0
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      SecurityConfiguration​(UserService userService)
      Constructor of our securityConfiguration, utilizing the userService.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void configure​( http)
      This method configures the http security protocol with the jwt and the converter in user Service. jwtDecoder()
      a decoder method that takes the Oauth2.0 validation token and decodes it from the issuerUri, in our case google.
      • Methods inherited from class

        authenticationManager, authenticationManagerBean, configure, configure, getApplicationContext, getHttp, init, setApplicationContext, setAuthenticationConfiguration, setContentNegotationStrategy, setObjectPostProcessor, setTrustResolver, userDetailsService, userDetailsServiceBean
    • Constructor Detail

      • SecurityConfiguration

        public SecurityConfiguration​(UserService userService)
        Constructor of our securityConfiguration, utilizing the userService.
        userService - UserService which holds the logic for authentication from Jwt.
    • Method Detail

      • configure

        protected void configure​( http)
                          throws Exception
        This method configures the http security protocol with the jwt and the converter in user Service.
        configure in class
        http - an HttpSecurity object
        Exception - that is thrown when the user is not authenticated.
      • jwtDecoder

        public jwtDecoder()
        a decoder method that takes the Oauth2.0 validation token and decodes it from the issuerUri, in our case google. Then it checks the validation token against those in Google's record on the google cloud console. If the clientId and the Google cloud console issuerUri match up then it returns a validated decoder.
        a JwtDecoder object.