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PicMe Gallery

This is an app that helps you get and share great-looking photos of you and your friends. This is the only app you'll even need to pick from the Google Play Store.


create sequence hibernate_sequence start with 1 increment by 1;
create table event
    event_id    bigint       not null,
    address     varchar(255),
    description varchar(255),
    latitude    double,
    longitude   double,
    name        varchar(255) not null,
    passkey     varchar(255) not null,
    time        timestamp    not null,
    updated     timestamp    not null,
    user_id     bigint       not null,
    primary key (event_id)
create table photo
    photo_id  bigint    not null,
    caption   varchar(255),
    latitude  double,
    longitude double,
    uploaded  timestamp not null,
    event_id  bigint    not null,
    user_id   bigint    not null,
    primary key (photo_id)
create table user_event
    user_id  bigint not null,
    event_id bigint not null
create table user_profile
    user_id      bigint       not null,
    connected    timestamp,
    created      timestamp    not null,
    display_name varchar(255),
    oauth_key    varchar(255) not null,
    updated      timestamp    not null,
    primary key (user_id)
create index IDX6l2ado7gywlj9aev2utqc2vxm on event (time);
create index IDX42lv5v1fuasicrdjkvf3cye5f on event (updated);
create index IDXs0oborte6qspqp6uwkmfmjlr7 on photo (uploaded);
create unique index UK6f815wi5o4jq8p1q1w63o4mhd on user_profile (oauth_key);
alter table event
    add constraint FK1pc5j8kx3fjbbfxrf32oeggc3 foreign key (user_id) references user_profile;
alter table photo
    add constraint FKdbadfit090kvl159gty4hl5so foreign key (event_id) references event;
alter table photo
    add constraint FK8djnj0mx8yc01e8wfecmku9yo foreign key (user_id) references user_profile;
alter table user_event
    add constraint FKspe8srtv69gubpphvrnd7wekt foreign key (event_id) references event;
alter table user_event
    add constraint FKpukmmpe4yd7rpwwfcyf7f8jtu foreign key (user_id) references user_profile;