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User - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.picmegallery.model.entity
User is a @Entity class with the following fields id, created, updated, connected, displayName, and oauthKey.
User() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.picmegallery.model.entity.User
UserController - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.picmegallery.controller
This class is a @RestController that handles endpoints for communication between the client side and the serverside for the User.
UserController(UserService) - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.picmegallery.controller.UserController
This Constructor creates a UserService object.
UserRepository - Interface in edu.cnm.deepdive.picmegallery.model.dao
User repository is an interface class that extends JpaRepository and User entity This interface handles searching for users by different parameters including Google Oauth Key 2.0, events, photos, and display names.
UserService - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.picmegallery.service
The class is a @Service class that implements a converter that converts a java web token to an authentication token for the user.
UserService(UserRepository) - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.picmegallery.service.UserService
This Constructor creates a UserRepository object.
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